Am I a Volunteer or a Visitor?
Annual WSD Volunteer Information
What can a WSD volunteer do?
Work with students individually or in small groups under the supervision of the teacher or staff member
Work inside the school, assisting staff with projects (PTA/PTO/PTC Officers, etc.)
Work/organize field day activities
Be a room parent, organize class parties
Attend field trips - work with students individually or in small groups under the supervision of the teacher or staff member

Start Here!
Step 1
Volunteers must register with the Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR)
One-time, lifetime fee of $15.25 (paid by the volunteer)
Step 2
Once FCSR online registration is complete, you must submit WSD Volunteer Registration Forms A and B to the school office.
Volunteers will need to complete a new registration process as the former process is no longer available to us through the state of Missouri. This process is called the Missouri Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR). It provides a more extensive background check than our Raptor system, and is needed for volunteers who spend more individual time with students than our visitors.
The FCSR requires volunteers to complete an online registration process that involves a one-time, lifetime fee of $15.25. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to cover this one-time, lifetime fee. The online registration process can be found at FCSR-BSEES - (NOTE: This registration process CANNOT be completed on a mobile browser/device.)
Once the online portion is complete, a paper WSD Volunteer Registration Form A and Form B must be completed and submitted to your child’s school. The forms can be found below or you can click HERE to download the forms. Your approved volunteer status is accessible district-wide; you only need to turn in your forms to one WSD school.
Please note, the wait time for the FCSR registration to be processed and for the District to be notified can be up to two weeks. We recommend completing this process as early as possible.
Family Care Safety Registry - What is it?
Missouri’s Family Care Safety Registry (FCSR) was established by law to promote family and community safety. The registry helps to protect children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Due to changes at the state level, the FCSR is now being used in place of the Child Abuse and Neglect form to access background information on potential volunteers for the Wentzville School District.
The Family Care Safety Registry is a one-time, online registration with a fee of $15.25
Registration lasts a lifetime (see directions below if you have registered with FCSR in the past)
The registration and fee will be the responsibility of the volunteer
A new WSD Volunteer Registration form will be required each school year to run a current background screening if you would like to participate in volunteer opportunities
Start Here → How do I register? What if I have registered before?
Visit the Family Care Safety Registry Background Screening and Employment Eligibility System (FCSR-BSEES - website.
Click the Registration button to begin and then click Register Online in the submenu
Click the tab for Is A Person Registered
Enter your social security number and the security text/number shown and then click the Search button
If you are notified that your social security number was NOT found in the database, you must register first before submitting this form to your child’s school. ***There is a one-time registration with a fee of $15.25. The registration and fee will be the responsibility of the volunteer. Click Continue to proceed with registration. Choose Volunteer / Voluntary as your selection criteria. Once you have completed your registration, please fill out the other side of this form and return it to the Wentzville School District. **Please note, the wait time for the FCSR registration to be processed and for the District to be notified can be up to 10-12 business days. We recommend completing this process as early as possible.
If you are notified that your social security number WAS found in the database, please fill out the WSD Volunteer Registration Forms A & B and return it to the Wentzville School District to be processed. It is your responsibility to contact the FCSR with changes to name or contact information before the form is submitted -- call 1-866-422-6872 to verify or update your information.
Annual WSD Visitor Information
What can a WSD visitor do?
Eat lunch with your child
Attend a class party
Attend assemblies
Be a guest speaker
Visitors may show up on the day of an event/activity/lunch and check in to our building; however, part of keeping students and staff safe is knowing who is in our building at all times so we are rolling out a system to allow us to do just that. Starting January 24, 2022, WSD visitors will check in to our building using Raptor, a new visitor management system designed to assist with building security.
What does that mean for you?
When you arrive in a WSD building as a visitor, you will be asked to scan your ID and complete the management system’s check-in process.
Raptor will screen the information against sex offender databases and locally customized lists of banned or potentially threatening individuals, instantly alert school officials to a threatening presence, and maintain a searchable log of all visitors.
Once approved, you will get a customized visitor badge to wear while in the building.
Thank you for your support as we roll this out and enhance school safety protocols!